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Photograpic Society of South Africa






Fotograwe in Suid Afrika organiseer hulself gewoonlik in fotografieklubs - sien byvoorbeeld Wat en wie is AFO. PSSA is die oorkoepelende organisasie wat die aktiwiteite van hierdie klubs beheer en rigting aan fotografie aktiwiteite gee. Klubs en fotograwe het natuurlik 'n keuse of hulle lid van PSSA wil wees. Daar is egter baie voordele daaraan verbonde om wel lid te wees. As lid van die PSSA sal jy vier keer per jaar 'n fotografietydskrif ontvang en jy sal afslag ontvang as jy aan salonne wil deelneem, kongresse en kursusse bywoon.


PSSA koordineer ook salonne. Salonne is fotografiekompetisies wat deur klubs aangebied word en nog 'n platform waar jy jou fotos kan laat beoordeel. Streke bied ook kongresse aan wat jy kan bywoon, altyd so bietjie goedkoper vir PSSA lede as nie-lede en dis gewoonlik drie of vier dae waartydens daar baie sprekers optree en fotografie opleidingsessies en uitstappies aangebied word. PSSA koordineer ook fotografie aktiwiteite soos werkswinkels wat deur ander klubs in jou onmiddellike omgewing of streek aangebied word, wat meer opleidingsgeleenthede beteken.


Die kern aktiwiteit van fotografieklubbyeenkomste en salonne is dat beelde voorgelê word vir beoordeling. Dit gee 'n fotograaf die geleentheid om sy/haar beelde te laat evalueer en daardeur kennis te bekom en meer te leer. Beoordeling moet natuurlik geskied volgens sekere kriteria. Een van PSSA se belangrikste aktiwiteite is juis om 'n standaard te stel vir beoordeling en aanvaardings. Sonder neergelegde standaarde sal sulke aktiwiteite min sin maak.


PSSA speel 'n rol by die opleiding van fotograwe en bied onder andere 'n jaarlikse kongres aan. Hierdie is altyd 'n groot geleentheid om by te woon. Prominente fotograwe vertoon hulle werk, lesings en kursusse word aangebied en fotograwe geniet gewoonlik die geleentheid saam met mede fotograwe wat soortgelyke belangstellings deel. 


Op die PSSA webwerf sal jy ook kennismaak met verskeie kompetisies waaraan jy kan deelneem wat weer eens 'n ander platform bied waar jou beelde beoordeel kan word. As jy by AFO aansluit as lid, oorweeg dit gerus om ook by die PSSA aan te sluit.







1. New guidelines for promotion guidelines

We have a Guideline documents for PSSA affiliated clubs regarding promotion guidelines for clubs regarding number of club points, Gold and Salon acceptances available. This document takes into consideration the amount of entries that each member has a month. This is a guideline and does not HAVE to be implemented. It is however a question at many clubs.

   Click here to view the document


2. Salons

The rules for salons has changed in a few ways from 1 July 2023:

a A PSSA member that holds any honours are considered to be a Senior (irrespective of star grading) for PSSA competitions

b The requirement to host a Salon Exhibition has been scrapped

c The wildlife category in Salons is removed. The category will now only be known as Nature

d If the same image is entered twice in a salon one image will be judged and the second entry will be disqualified

e Please note the increase in Salon fees from 1 July 2023

f Corine Ross is presenting a Salon workshop. It is scheduled for a whole day but was completed in three hours. This is compulsory for salon directors hosting salons from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. All people are however welcome and should register with Corine Ross if you would like to attend. It is held over Zoom and is free. The next session is 19 August 2023.


3. PSSA Congress

The PSSA congress is in the Drakensberg in 2023 (17-21 September 2023)


4. Regional Director:

The Regional Director Elections has been concluded. There was only one nomination per region. So the regional Directors (including myself) has been re-elected for two more years.


5. Judges list:

I hope to send out a list of judges in the country that is available soon. Obviously lots of the judges will not be available for judging at the club but you can use it as you see fit. If you have specific issues with a judge or trouble finding judges please let me know.


6. PSSA Congress

The 2024 PSSA congress will be in Parys, Free state 20/9/2024 - 1/10/2024


7. JAP Course

Please look out for the registration for the 2024 JAP course. There is a limits amount of spaces available.  




Wie/wat is die PSSA

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